Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Love u!!!....Let's Break up.....:)

Knowing when to leave a relationship is as crucial as knowing when to step into one. So many relationships are not a source of joy, comfort and love and yet people stay attached to them. Lessons unlearnt.

Most relationships are soul contracts, mostly big ones. Inside of learning the lesson we stay stuck and hang on, caught in a ‘spin cycle’. Sometimes to afraid to uncover and unpack the meaning of this relationship whilst we remain caught up in illusion of coupledom.

The more conscious we become of why we draw people into our lives the more we begin to understand that deep connective love could still exist however the structure of the relationship can dissolve, because it is timely to do so. The heart and mind will go ballistic, kicking and screaming wanting to be the other half, ‘safe’ as a Mr or a Mrs, however a much deeper knowing that pervades you will override the illusion. This is when that uncomfortable feeling arises that we can’t seem to shake, that gnawing feeling that everything is not OK.

This is not an invitation however to keep leaving relationships. The key is to learn the lesson. We sometimes need to learn lessons of independence, self love, self worth, self esteem, non judgment, courage and your current partner is ideal for the job. The list of lessons is endless. Leaving prematurely only means we attract the same energy into our lives with the same lesson to learn. So ‘Kalyan’ has been replaced by a ‘Chakravarthy’, then ‘Acharya’ replaced with a ‘Venkata ramana’. All frighteningly similar and the Universe just keeps repeating the situation until we heal and learn. One lesson if left boxed up could take an entire lifetime. Do you really have an entire lifetime to waste?

So you may be on the cusp of making the decision to leave. You basically love yourself more and it’s not being reflected back at you however it’s not your job to change the other. If your partner falls more deeply in love with themselves they may have the capacity to love you more expansively, but they their process and you have yours. The end may be nigh and oddly you still feel like you love this person very deeply. What a natural feeling to love a teacher but sometimes we mistake this for staying together. You may love your third grade teacher who was perfect at the time, and when you had passed you received a new teacher and new lessons.

 Having the courage to say I deserve better, I deserve love, I deserve kindness will allow that to manifest in reality. Believing you are meant to suffer or remain in relationship because of societal pressures will cause an immense internal suffering.

If you are currently in a relationship that hurts you and you just ‘know” its over, this is an invitation to let go of your fears and shift towards love, loving yourself more and taking the right action. It’s also time to look inside yourself, these are the manifestations of your own internal dialogue. Buy changing the way you treat yourself old patterns and people will fall away.

If you are suffering, these affirmations will help to start the process of self love:

I deserve love

I deserve tenderness

I deserve intimacy

I am worthy, just as I am.

When you start to embody these feelings, the Universe will conspire to support your new beliefs.

Providence will move, and move powerfully

Be brave, be courageous.

Keep Opening


1 comment:

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