Friday, August 1, 2014

CHOICE!? U make it or Its Made for u!...

Choice- Oxford defines it as ‘The Right or ability to Choose’, now how many of us have literally chosen our choices keeping in view the prescribed guidelines? And how many of have blamed it this five letter saying ‘I don’t have any choice other than accepting the choice put forward to me!
If I use the beaten path of the already existing writers who wrote countless articles, thesis etc…on this topic I would have to literally end this article in the next line saying Choice is something which you chose and in the process of choosing it  the very existence of the word YOU becomes irrelevant. 

The moment we lose yourself to the worldly options put in front us, all we become is a preconceived acceptance to others just because we chose what other chose for us!

OK, now sounding stereo typical, right from our childhood we have been convinced that the choices which we make are worth it but not ground breaking? Did we ever think y is it so? May be it is because the options which were put in front of us were again a piece of carefully selected choices, whether it may be the name labels on our books during the school days or the passport size photographs for office id cards.

Some were in the middle of all this, comes the confusion of getting inspired from someone so that we can make their choices blindly our inspirations just because these people who we are trying to emulate were and are successful in inculcating their choices into reality. But if noticed from a foot long distance it would be quite evident that the decisions taken by them are not influenced by any one. No matter if these guys have sold milk packets to become successful or back stabbed others to take their positions.

We the humans, some of being religious, the others being idealists and the remaining being neutralist are drawn to making decisions which in some cases might full fill our stomach but not definitely our egos. For example LOVE!!! One of the most over used yet still not boring but definitely intriguing subject. My last article the LADY LOST IN L,S,D had an inference were two individual chose to stay with each other but got separated over a period of time just because of the choices they made.

Right from the whisky we want to drink, the shoes we want to wear, the way we adhere to things is all a work of the choice we make, and these choices are not made sitting with a bottle of whisky or with an empty mind which always make much but needed noises in our head!.
To this extent, choice is something which would and will never be given deleted out of our lives.




~ “The Mentalist”~: Why?

~ “The Mentalist”~: Why? : The Adverb/Noun which still remains a Million rather a Billion Dollar Question for most us and me!. Why Me? Why...