Monday, January 23, 2012

Somebody asked me this Question!!!

So the other day...somebody close to me asked me this question,

Dude do u remember how many girls you have been in love with??

I was as usual drunk and taught of it for a second and replied back....

Dude my love is like the OCEAN and the people i love are the fishes in the water! now you tell me can the ocean remember exactly how many fishes are there in it??!!!...:D


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lines from me to the GIFTED, BEAUTIFUL and FORTUNATE ONE!!!

Every second pulls me close to you, making me walk under shadow,
The same shadow, every single day reminds me and says me i am you,
Waiting for the silence to speak, order me with a wink,
Cut me into half, it’s your soul’s imprint which i carry,
Cum to me my life, make this coldness get evaded with your warmth...
Day’s and night’s its your taught which haunts me,
Feel’s like listening to you all day and get lost in you words,
Make your greet me, guide me the way to your heart with a thunder,
Lend me your hand, console me with your very first sight filled with love,
Sweetheart, understand my rhythm less tunes which i have been singing to you for the past 5 million years....


Lines for ME from some 1 Special...

Forgive me for liking you to much,
I’ll forgive you for not liking me even a bit...
Forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,
I’ll forgive you for not hearing it.
Forgive me for finding you amazing,
I’ll forgive you for never noticing.
Forgive me for wanting to be with you more than anything,
I’ll forgive you for avoiding Me& ignoring me always,
Forgive me for not being able to let go,
I’ll forgive you for never holding on...

Forgive me fo still loving you madlyyy...
I’ll for give u for calling me mad...:(

Some 1 really close to me wrote the above lines to me!!!....Just wanna say her JANEMANN forgive me for not understanding you and just calling you bachi!!!....Maff kardae mujhe!


~ “The Mentalist”~: Why?

~ “The Mentalist”~: Why? : The Adverb/Noun which still remains a Million rather a Billion Dollar Question for most us and me!. Why Me? Why...